Tuareg rebels in Mali say they have captured another military base from the army in the country’s north, as fighting intensifies.
The U.N. Security Council has approved a resolution to authorize a multinational force to Haiti led by Kenya to help combat violent gangs that have grown incredibly powerful and overwhelmed police.
Algeria is among many countries in Africa to take steps to transition parts of its education system away from French and toward English.
Niger’s military junta says an attack by Islamic extremists in western Niger killed at least a dozen soldiers and wounded seven others.
The small southern African nation of Eswatini is holding elections to decide part of the makeup of its parliament while its extremely wealthy king retains absolute power.
Zimbabwe’s state broadcaster reports that the collapse of a gold mine has killed six people, while 15 more are trapped underground.
A prominent Egyptian-American academic and pro-democracy activist during the reign of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has died. Saad Eddin Ibrahim was 85.
A small plane owned by a diamond mining company has crashed in Zimbabwe and aviation authorities say preliminary reports indicate that all six people on board have been killed.
Visiting South Sudan President Salva Kiir has agreed in a meeting with Russia’s president to expand their relationship in energy, trade and other areas, notably oil.
The U.N. refugee agency says some 186,000 migrants and refugees arrived in southern Europe so far this year, the vast majority in Italy.
Local officials say that a car bombing hit a meat market in central Somalia, killing six people and wounding 14.
A rights watchdog is accusing the World Bank of enabling the Tanzanian government’s violent expansion of a national park through financing from the global lender.
Burkina Faso’s junta says the country’s intelligence and security services have foiled a coup attempt.
Unions representing Nigeria’s government workers have announced they will go on strike starting next week to demand pay raises and to protest the austerity measures of the country’s newly elected government.
WNBA player Chiney Ogwumike has been named to the President’s Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States.
Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter Zoleka has died at age 43. Her family made the announcement of her death in a statement on Tuesday a day after she died on Monday.
Emergency services say eight people including four children have been killed by electrocution in two separate events after days of heavy rain caused floods in impoverished informal settlements near the South African city of Cape Town.
Researchers say they have verified 1,329 deaths from hunger in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region since a cease-fire ended a two-year conflict there in November.
Authorities in Nigeria say that security forces have rescued 14 of at least 20 students abducted from their university in the country’s northwestern region, and that they’re searching for those still held captive.
The U.S. and Kenya have signed a defense agreement that will see the East African nation get resources and support for security deployments as it is poised to lead a multi-national peacekeeping mission to Haiti to combat gang violence.
A spokesperson says Mali’s military-led government has postponed a presidential election that was expected to return the West African nation to democracy following a 2020 coup.
Fresh fighting has erupted in the second-biggest town of Ethiopia’s turbulent Amhara region as militiamen clashed with the military over government plans to disarm local forces.
The latest talks over the mega dam Ethiopia is building on the Nile River’s main tributary have broken up without an agreement.
Libya’s chief prosecutor says he has ordered the detention of eight current and former officials pending his investigation into the collapse of two dams.
Authorities in Benin say a fire in a commercial building south of the capital has killed at least 35 people.
The death toll from a bombing attack at a government checkpoint in central Somalia has reached 21. A government official says the number of wounded in Saturday’s truck bombing in Beledweyne stood at 52.
The science of human evolution has made big leaps in recent years, and it’s painting a new picture of our origins.
At the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York, African leaders are relaying a unanimous message, that their continent of more than 1.3 billion people is done being a “victim” of a post-world war order and must be recognized and partnered with as a global power in itself.
An explosives-laden vehicle has detonated at a security checkpoint in the central Somalia city of Beledweyne.
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni says recent airstrikes against rebels with ties to the Islamic State group in eastern Congo have killed “a lot” of the militants, possibly including a notorious bomb maker.
The military government that seized power in Niger has accused United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of “obstructing” the West African nation’s full participation at the U.N.
Residents and local media in northcentral Nigeria say at least 20 students have been abducted by gunmen in northwestern Nigeria during an attack that targeted their school.
A Norwegian court has ruled that a man wanted by Rwanda for his alleged role in the African nation’s 1994 genocide can be extradited.
Sudan’s army chief has warned that the war in the northeast African country could spread beyond its borders if it is not stopped. Gen.
A prominent peace forum in Ethiopia has been postponed as clashes between the federal government and fighters from a major ethnic group continue to destabilize the region.